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Agitpop – Back to the Plain of Jars

January 3rd | Music Reviews

From 1986 – an AMAZING band you don’t hear to much about. This band is similar to fIREHOSE, except Agitpop are VERY TIGHT, VERY CRISP. Their songs have jagged rhythms, something like the Minutemen (who they have opened for back in the 80’s) The ‘dedication’ on this LP says ‘To three dudes from Pedro’, which means THE MINUTEMEN, of course.

This LP is their second, and their best – The first LP was a little more experimental, their next LP after this, Open Seasons, is just as amazing – EVEN BETTER than this one! – their last LP, Stick It, was not as energetic.

Look for this one on Ebay. Oh, they were from Poughkeepsie, NY.


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